Trotec Group Blog

Effective drying after flood damage: How non-professionals can achieve successful drying
Effective drying after flood damage: How non-professionals can achieve successful drying
After a flood, it is crucial to act immediately to minimize damage and avoid long-term problems. With the right equipment and a structured approach, you can dry efficiently and effectively. We offer solutions that enable non-professionals to achieve professional results in water damage drying. Read on to learn how you can quickly and easily handle flood damage with dehumidifiers, heaters, and fans.
We have solutions: How to manage cleanup after the flood
We have solutions: How to manage cleanup after the flood
The flood over the Pentecost weekend has severely impacted many regions. Further warnings have been issued for other areas as well. Once the water recedes, it’s time to start the cleanup. Here’s how to proceed step by step.
Preparing for summer: Keeping your apartment cool and comfortable
Preparing for summer: Keeping your apartment cool and comfortable
The recent days of May have already surprised us with temperatures nearing 30 degrees, leaving many searching for ways to cool down. Sitting on the sofa in the living room? Too warm. The bedroom has turned into a heat trap, making restful sleep only possible in the early morning hours. Opening windows doesn't always suffice to keep the apartment cool. To best prepare for the upcoming, potentially scorching summer, we've compiled four useful tips to effectively mitigate the heat in your apartment.
Basement flooded? Prevent further damage with these tips!
Basement flooded? Prevent further damage with these tips!
With recent storms and forecasts predicting more heavy rainfall, the risk of flooding and flooded basements is particularly high in many regions. These extreme weather conditions pose significant challenges for residents to act quickly and proactively to prevent major damage. The following tips provide a practical overview of how to effectively protect your basement from further water damage.